
Project description:
Safeguarding of the landfill that was decommissioned on 12/31/1994 covering 2.2 ha and containing 166,000 m³ waste. The following deliverables were rendered:
- Relocation of a recycling depot from the disposal site;
- Construction of a ditch for the sewage plant's receiving water course;
- Profiling of the landfill body;
- Application of the surface cover;
- Passive landfill gas treatment within the undergravel filter.
The suface cover's design is displayed in the alongside illustration. Conditioned dredged material originating from the seaport of Rostock was also deployed.
Project Location:
Teterow, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Planning, Construction Management
Time: 1997–1999
County of Güstrow, District Administrator
Department for Road Construction and Traffic
Am Wall 3-5
18273 Güstrow