Hanseatic City of Stralsund - Langenbrücke

Project description:
- Demolition of the old bridge consturcted in 1994;
- New building of a steel swing bridge of bridge class 30;
- Effective span 23.30 m, width between railings 6.77 m;
- Substructure of the abutments on grounded bore pile retaining walls up to 18 m below mean sea level
- Lifting and rotation device by hydraulic cylinder, plain bearings, pivot bearings, hydraulic engine on top of a central pillar with a diameter of 2.50 m;
- Grounding of pillar 8 m below mean sea level.
Project Location:
Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Planning, Statics, Placing of Orders, Construction Management
Time: 2000–2001
Hansestadt Stralsund, Der Oberbürgermeister
Amt 30, Abt. Hafen- und Seemannsamt
Amt 60, Abt. Straßen- und Stadtgrün
Badenstraße 17
18439 Stralsund, Germany