
Every project begins with an idea whose feasibility is determined by its economic costs and the social accaptance gained. Within the framework of feasibility analyses, we evaluate project specific risks.

Many planning services of the HOAI (German Fee Regulations for Architects and Engineers) can be delivered by us:
Object planning
- Open space planning
- Civil structures
- Transport facilities
Technical planning
- Structural planning
- Technical equipment
- Technical consulting services
(ground engineering|earthwork and foundation engineering)
Construction Man

We can carry out the entire performance spectrum of the building inspectior:
- Local construction surveillance
- Construction supervision
- Health and safety coordinator
Projekt Management

Complex projects tie personal - also regarding project management. We can support and relieve you! For all phases of your project, experienced teams utilizing efficient working methods will carry out the tracking of major project goals: dates, costs and qualities. Your project is our project!